Affinity groups are nonprofit organizations founded by grantmakers to address specific issues, provide opportunities for grantmakers with common interests to meet each other, share knowledge and encourage collaborative funding. Some affinity groups are formed around the identity of the population served (e.g. Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy). Some are formed around particular grant issue areas (e.g., Funders Concerned About AIDS). Still others are formed around position and function (e.g., Emerging Professionals in Philanthropy). The following affinity groups are a resource for international grantmakers within specific issue areas.
The following Council-recognized affinity groups are part of the Affinity Group Network:
Association of Small Foundations
Africa Grantmakers Affinity Group
Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy
Environmental Grantmakers Association
Funders Concerned About AIDS
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees